Join or Renew



  • Forums for sharing information and resources among members
  • A variety of communication circles for special interest groups
  • Good Offices Program for personnel or professional problems related to work.
  • The support and encouragement of a 350+ strong body of UU musicians and music supporters who work together to promote the values and invigorate the mission and ministry of music in our congregations and UU communities
  • Lists and catalogs of music resources, music by UU composers, and network publications, including choral music, music for children and youth, and hymns and songs for services and gathering
  • Organizational voting rights
  • Access to Music Leadership Certification Program of the UUA

Membership Types


  1. Regular I - $150 - for paid music staff engaged in full-time employment (1.0 FTE)

  2. Regular II - $125 - for music staff paid for at least ¾ time (.75 FTE) but less than full time (1.0 FTE)

  3. Regular III - $110 - for music staff paid for at least 1/2 time (.5 FTE) but less than ¾ time (.75 FTE)

  4. Regular IV - $90 - for music staff paid for less than 1/2 time (<.5 FTE)—Note that this includes ALL unpaid music staff regardless of hours worked

  5. Lifetime membership - $3000 or $200/year for 15 years (in lieu of above Regular membership dues)

  6. Team membership - $50/person - available to additional music staff, paid or unpaid. Must be in conjunction with purchase of ONE membership at any of the Regular Levels I-IV or Lifetime Membership who are currently serving the congregation.(Congregations unable to meet this fee level may apply for funding assistance)

  7. Professional - $80 - for music professionals and leaders who are unaffiliated with a specific congregation (freelance musicians/troubadours, composers, etc.) and retired program directors


  1. Associate membership - $75 - for ministry professionals of other UUA professional organizations (UUMA, LREDA, UUAMP, etc.)

3.     AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP (non-voting)

  1. Affiliate membership - $50 - those who wish to support the work and mission of the Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries

Looking to renew, but your membership has already expired?  Email Allison at, and she'll send you a new renewal invoice.  


Join Now

Contact Us

Administration Office Hours : Mon-Thurs 9:00am - 2:30pm; Fri 9:00am - 12:00pm, PT

Mail : AUUMM

c/o UUA

24 Farnsworth St., Boston, MA 02210

Email :

Phone : (402) 937-6647



Supporting music and worship arts professionals, leaders, and those they serve through advocacy, education, and inspiration.

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