COVID Guidance


AUUMM Board of Trustees

Updated March 2022

The pandemic landscape has changed for most geographic areas in the U.S. Post-Omicron, virus numbers have generally decreased and many Americans are now vaccinated. In light of the these changes, and in accordance with current guidance from the CDC and other professional music organizations, we offer the following guidance:

  • First and foremost, assess your community-level transmission rates and personal risk thresholds to determine if masking and distancing should continue in indoor settings. This will be different for every region and community.

  • Congregational singing is okay if community transmission rates are low and vaccination rates are high in your congregation. 

  • Choral ensembles (all ages) can rehearse safely indoors if community transmission rates are low and vaccination rates are high in your choir. The safest option is to ask singers to stay masked and continue to distance singers 3 feet apart - however, this should be a conversation between you and your choir(s). 

Other considerations:

  • We continue to recommend a 10-15 minute break after 60 minutes of (choral) rehearsal to allow for one complete air change in the rehearsal space. Singers should leave the room during the break.

  • Should a new variant arise, programs in ‘medium-risk’ areas should revert back to shorter rehearsal periods (30-45 minute segments of rehearsal with 10-15 minute air changes in between) and greater distancing between singers (3-6 feet). “High risk” areas should revert to online rehearsals for the duration of the new variant crisis (as dictated by your congregational COVID safety team and your own tolerance for risk). 

  • Recognizing that some congregants may not be able to be vaccinated (or choose not to vaccinate), rapid testing may be employed to ensure the safety of all participants. 

  • As always, we must be mindful of those who are immune compromised or have family members who are too young to be vaccinated or are otherwise at high risk. As covenantal communities we are duty-bound to protect the most vulnerable among us.

  • This guidance is on the conservative side. There are programs that are back to pre-pandemic behaviors and doing just fine. You and your COVID safety team are the best judges of what is needed and most appropriate in your community! 

Here is a very useful tool that you may want to bookmark:

Here is the latest guidance from the American Choral Directors Association which contains links to various other resources:

In faith,

Sarah Jebian, Moderator

On behalf of the AUUMM Board of Trustees

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